Our Impact

There’s nothing more powerful than churches working together as the body of Christ.

Every year, Love INC of Greater Holmes County connects its partner church volunteers to over 500 families in their community. Together, we are able to not only meet over 1,000 needs, but meet each person where they’re at. Caring for them holistically, our neighbors are met with dignity and respect, while our partner churches are free to focus on serving according to their strengths. The result? Transformed lives. Transformed churches. And transformed communities.

What’s Next To Come

A single mom with her four children attended Budget Coaching for a short time. She was hitting walls as she tried to be everywhere needed to provide for them, address their health concerns, and get everyone to the needed counseling all while fighting a custody battle. She away stepped from

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pexels tara winstead 8383674

Following God’s Lead

A man with a family called into the connection center wondering if we had a refrigerator in the furniture/appliance ministry.  His family had a working fridge, the problem was that it was from a rent to own company and costing them a lot each month in payments.  During the call

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pexels anna shvets 5029919

Come Together

We began a relationship with a single parent recently. This is a large family that was relocating to a place in Holmes County. There are major health issues happening with 2 of the family members which are very much affecting every part of life…daily. There are many unknowns at this

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pexels tima miroshnichenko 5199754

The Good In God

We first met a woman and her two children through our faith and finances class. She was ready for a new beginning after some tough relational and financial circumstances in her past. She put all she had into the class and started to believe this was really possible! She researched

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