Stories of Impact

Blessings in Disguise

Several years ago we got to know a wonderful woman who was going to regular
appointments and needed rides. We were able to provide those and she blessed
our drivers with her kindness and love every single time.
Recently she reached out for some help with groceries. Her health limits her
ability to get out and about and options are limited. We were able to send a
volunteer to the Love Center to pick up groceries for her. Upon arrival it was clear
that some help putting things away would be greatly appreciated. The volunteer
was able to talk with her while getting things situated in the kitchen in a way that
she would be able to reach and use each item. Their conversation was filled with
stories, laughter, and the realities of life and challenges along with prayer. Prior
to leaving the volunteer asked if it would be okay to give her a hug. She said yes
and they embraced in love and support of each other. Afterwards, the woman
stated with tears in her eyes “I don’t know when the last time was that someone
hugged me!”

Some would say that the churches and their volunteers helped that woman in her
time of need. That would be true and yet, others would say that the woman
blessed that volunteer beyond words that afternoon. Life is meant to live
together loving and serving in any way God leads. What a gift.