Stories of Impact

What’s Next To Come

A single mom with her four children attended Budget Coaching for a short time.
She was hitting walls as she tried to be everywhere needed to provide for them,
address their health concerns, and get everyone to the needed counseling all
while fighting a custody battle. She away stepped from budget coaching while
knowing she needed the support because it was simply too much to have one
more place to be in that season of life.

We recently met with a professional from a local counseling service that we
thought may be able to provide helpful services to one of her children. We
reached out and she was so excited to check it out to see if it would be a good fit.

Just recently she reached out and attended a local church. One of our staff had
the opportunity to welcome her and sit side by side with her. God continues to
pursue each of us with his love in such a beautiful and never ending approach!

He knows what’s next to come- we are thankful to be a small part of her story!